Hobbies and Interests


Staff member
Jan 23, 2025
What do you guys do for fun? Cars, books, anything?

I read a good bit. I also keep my car meticulously clean. I don't know if that is really a hobby but I spend a lot of time on it. Something about a clean ride makes me feel good. I'm getting it professionally detailed this week. I do it once a year.

What does everyone do for fun?
Mine is cutting gemstones and leaving my car dirty for months at a time as the mud on the road to work each day makes it pretty pointless to wash everyday
Mine is cutting gemstones and leaving my car dirty for months at a time as the mud on the road to work each day makes it pretty pointless to wash everyday

I get that. In spring I tend to focus on the inside and let the pollen sit. Kind of pointless to fight it.
Used to be a keen parachutist but haven’t jumped in many years. Have a mate in town who also used to jump and were tossing up whether we have the balls to take it up again.
Undecided yet, as at 60 I don’t bounce like I used to.
Most aviation accidents happen while landing….best to get out beforehand and avoid the unnecessary risk

Smart! I get the concern with aging. It's got to be hard on your knees, but I'd still give it a go.
I'm really into surfing and anything watersports. I used to surf year round in the snow etc but i'm getting too old for that now haha
Awhile back i had been taking classes to be a Glider Pilot but got pulled in other directions. Without an engine its kinda like hang gliding with only having one shot at the landing 😬. Hoping to pickup the classes again soon and complete the pilot license.
My gf tells me that i also like housework projects but i can't remember getting interested in that hobby lol
I'm really into surfing and anything watersports. I used to surf year round in the snow etc but i'm getting too old for that now haha
Awhile back i had been taking classes to be a Glider Pilot but got pulled in other directions. Without an engine its kinda like hang gliding with only having one shot at the landing 😬. Hoping to pickup the classes again soon and complete the pilot license.
My gf tells me that i also like housework projects but i can't remember getting interested in that hobby lol

The older I get the more I despise cold water. Just painful. I understand now why my parents didn't want to play in it when I was a kid. Someday my kids will understand too.

It's the nature of things.

Where all have you surfed? I knew a guy that went to college on the coast so he didn't have to stop surfing.
Yeah I completely agree.. cold water is brutal. Worst part is the surf is usually the best in the winter, but its just not enjoyable anymore where I live with needing a fullsuit, gloves, boots and hood.
I haven't traveled international much, but I've surfed most places in the USA.. Maui, SoCal, Outer Banks, Florida. Costa Rica has been on my bucket list for a long time

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