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  1. M

    Display/Stack Can you identify this unknown coin or whatever it is?

    Hi everyone! Ive got this here item and I'm not sure what exactly it is. It looks like it could be an old form of coinage or a coat of arms metal maybe? I don't know for sure but the shape has me stumped And there seems to have been an imprint or some form of image or stamp or markings at one...
  2. M

    Hello from Germany

    Hello! I am interested in this project of yours that will be affordable and can identify unknown metals. Are the possible identifications include any complex bonds of an unknown metal found outdoors spontaneously? I've got a large blue yet rainbow colored chunk of metal that I found and it is...
  3. M

    New member saying hello to everyone here!

    Hi everybody my name is Melissa I am an at home mom I've a hobby and interest in gold and old coins and antiques and history. I also love our life giving mother earth and find awe in the creations in nature. I'm excited to be here, I hope to meet others with more knowledge and learn from them...