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  1. GoldShield

    The Keys Guild - founding member

    What a great business to be in! Thanks for explaining what you do because it's fascinating. I've been into antiquities, coins and treasure-hunting since I was a kid. I remember when I was 11 years old I convinced my father to lower me by rope into a small sinkhole because some old timers told me...
  2. GoldShield

    Introduction: AML and Gold

    Regarding hobby folks out panning for gold they should have no worries at all. If by some great luck they are selling an amount at the 10K Cash Transaction Report (CTR) threshold this only means the buyer must report the sale to FinCEN which is very normal and won't call negative attention to...
  3. GoldShield

    Introduction: AML and Gold

    Yes, there are resources and guidance available that a low-volume dealer might use to better understand their obligations at the regulator's website below. However, when it comes to "mom and pop" ops, banks and regulators...
  4. GoldShield

    Other Gold News Thread.

    I used to visit the cash money transfer companies in the interior of places like Guyana and Suriname to audit those little booth sized kiosks for money-laundering and was close to these kind of operations. It's definitely a lifestyle occupation not unlike 19th century US gold miners for sure and...
  5. GoldShield

    Introduction: AML and Gold

    Hi Alan I'll be happy to explain AML here without brain-dumping since it has been my career for 11+ years I can get a little wordy. US gold and precious metals dealers are subject to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). Enforcement is carried out by the...
  6. GoldShield

    Introduction: AML and Gold

    Hi Members, My name is Cameron and I'm an AML compliance guy trying to learn how to best serve the precious metals community to solve any pain-points related to AML compliance and banking obligations.