Seeing at least one a day at the moment, this bugger stripped out of his underwear at my doorstep two nights ago.
Wasn’t there at 2am but there at 4.45am. Just a tad over 5 feet long, got it off in one go. A decent size Mulga snake
This is just some random spot somewhere on the Bandya road. You can clearly see the creek line and old pushings. Someone clearly got some decent gold there to go to that much trouble
Hi Frank, as much as I’d like to I can’t afford to do that. Gold is my sole source of income so any spot I’d consider looking at I will be looking at.
I use Google earth in conjunction with Trilobite.
In Trilobite I look at the geology, look for the fault lines and study the magnetics etc...
All the time. From vehicles to tyres and everything in between. I’ll accept gold for payment too.
Most towns in the WA goldfields still have businesses that will trade gold for services or goods.
Though restricted mercury is still used readily in Australia.
Unfortunately, due to the hurt feelings and cotton wool brigade, a lot of forums don’t allow any discussion of the safe use of mercury at all. That’s a shame, it gets used regardless and knowledge prevents accidents and injury.
I’ll only sell home cast stuff to a refinery like P.W. Beck in Adelaide. This is just smelted crushing and fine gold, stuff most buyers/collectors aren’t interested in.
Nuggets I sell to people usually at spot or a touch less for smaller stuff or spot+ for larger or unique pieces.
The only...
I have a graphite crucible, I have a proper furnace and have been melting gold since before the pyramids were built and successfully.
This was a quick hit using oxy in the cast iron pot where I flucked up. Mind you I’ve also done it this way a billion times without incident. I flucked up this time.
Hi hydro, yep it’s cast iron I accidentally got over enthusiastic with the oxy while melting some gold. There’s between 7 and 10 grams that has become one with the pot.
I beg to differ about flora not being an indicator and use it to my advantage as do many who use google earth at one of their tools when prospecting.
Flora can show you old water courses, where ground is deeper. Creek systems etc… Some plants only grow in certain mineral rich areas which also...