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  1. Frank Hammer

    Other Gold in Australia

    Can you give a google maps reference to a spot you'ld consider as a possibility? I'm not dumb enough to ask you for a link to your favourite spot, Rather a link to a spot you'ld consider looking at, And what influenced your thinking, based on looking at Google earth?
  2. Frank Hammer

    Other Recover gold from cast iron ingot

    I think the lead idea is the best one yet! If you need to know about lead cupelling , watch some you-tube vids from Jason at mbmmllc, he knows a lot about that method.
  3. Frank Hammer

    Other Recover gold from cast iron ingot

    Without photo's, I presume it it's tiny threads of gold left in the cracks in the iron (something I've seen before in old gold molds.) If you don't mind damaging the mold, and you're into chemical processing, it would probably be easier to use a dremel or something like that to grind out the...