Search results

  1. H

    Hi everyone, my name is Akintunde from Houston, TX USA.

    Welcome, quite a few bars there Can I have one
  2. H

    For Sale Gold for sale

    I went to leonora for 10 days and didnt find one speck of gold Half your luck, that is lot of work to collect that much
  3. H

    Hobbies and Interests

    I could never understand why someboby would jump out of a perfectly good aeroplane whilst in the air
  4. H

    How did you find this site?

  5. H

    How did you find this site?

    An email from the prospecting forum It said if you don't join, we will blow your house up Got me buggered how they knew where I lived
  6. H

    Hobbies and Interests

    Mine is cutting gemstones and leaving my car dirty for months at a time as the mud on the road to work each day makes it pretty pointless to wash everyday
  7. H

    Gold dredger here

    Do you have pictures of all your new equipment ready to go
  8. H

    Hi There

    Just came accross this forum, so I reckon you will be seeing me around a bit