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  1. ozcopper

    How did you find this site?

    An email from the prospecting forum.
  2. ozcopper

    Coin/Round Stacking copper

    The other issue with stacking copper is it actually stinks on your hands when you touch it. I used to make copper bars and I had them all coated so they wouldn't tarnish or smell.
  3. ozcopper

    Hey gang

  4. ozcopper

    Coin/Round Why different patina on these silver coins?

    How to Clean Bullion Silver Coins. If you collect silver coins for their bullion value instead of their numismatic value or if they have no numismatic value, you may want to bring the shine back to your coins. This little guide will show you how to do it. A Couple of Warnings. Firstly, never...
  5. ozcopper

    Hello From Australia.

    I'm not currently involved with any projects but here is some of the stuff I've done in the past.
  6. ozcopper

    Hello From Australia.

    One was on identifying Aussie bullion hallmarks, and the other was on investing.
  7. ozcopper

    Other Bullion investing... A picture tells a thousand words...

    Bullion investing... A picture from 1979 tells a thousand words...
  8. ozcopper

    Hello From Australia.

    Hi All. I've been involved with PMs for nearly 40 years. I've written a couple of books and made custom silver coins in the past. I'm a member of a few other bullion forums too so if you recognise my user name, say G'day.