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  1. H

    Other Dumme Frage

    I think the Transport will be cost Prohibitive
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    Hey Hey just an average gold prospector here hitting the hills and the kricks a couple times a week to find the gold

    I extract Gold from Black Sand. I am looking for black sand from Queensland
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    New member

    Hi Bobby, one of the components I use In my Gold leach is Glycine. I believe it is administered to Patients who have had a heart attack to strengthen heart muscles. I have to remove Organisms from my Gold ore as they grow to a giant size and use up all available Glycine. I am working on getting...
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    New member

    Hello and welcome, Bobby. Inorganic chemistry has been my Hobby since I was 10 years old; I am now 78 years old. I am sure we can benefit each other. How does biochemistry work?
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    Raw The gold is so tiny its not even funny

    I am using the 2 Bucket System found on YouTube, only I have added a Magnet to the collector part and am getting more Nano Gold. You will Be surprised
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    Other Gold in Australia

    Curtin University in Perth Australia developed the Glycine/ Hydrogen peroxide Gold Leach
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    Other Gold in Australia

    There is an Echo-friendly Leach that can be reused over again. Easily used by scale miners. It is a Glycine leach. You can do the process in a bottle roll system, small scale. Go on be a devil and take a fly at it, The manufacturers are in Perth Australia.
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    Other Recover gold from cast iron ingot

    I suggest you use a flower pot Furnace and a clay graphite crucible to melt your Gold Because you will be able to control melting heat more easily. When you use the Oxyacetanlene, the flame covers your Gold and you cannot judge the temp of the hot Gold metal. Good luck recovering your gold. The...
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    Welcome Auz. May I ask? what you want to get out of this Forum? Then again what can you contribute? There is another web page you can look at " Gold Refiners Forum"
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    Other Recover gold from cast iron ingot

    Your Picture shows a very badly cracked vessel, Are you sure that it is cast Iron, if so just use Battery Acid to dissolve the Iron Because Gold will not dissolve in H2SO4
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    Other Gold in Australia

    Oh! la la
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    Other Gold in Australia

    I have concluded that Nano-particle gold is found in all areas where Gold is in nature. Have fun in this new adventure fellow Gold enthusiasts
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    Other Gold in Australia

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    Other Gold in Australia

    Diamonds are associated with Gold Deposits ( placer and Hard Rock ) I wonder if you found diamonds?
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    Other Gold in Australia

    I can only say that you did not find any Nanogold In WA because you were not looking for it. Did all the nuggets that you found have sharp edges? Or were they smooth with rounded edges due to Wear and tear over Millions of years? Now I wonder where all the shavings disappeared to?? I can show...
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    Raw The gold is so tiny its not even funny

    I have been successful in collecting nano gold. There is a lot of literature, on it online regarding Microfine Gold. You should take in consideration the Physics of Gold and a little Magic is involved. Nano Gold can be found suspended in water because it is negatively Charged, The multiplier is...
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    Other Gold in Australia

    ( Aussie Bloke Prospecting
  18. H

    Other Gold in Australia

    Hi Dean, Nano Gold is 2NM in diameter and is negatively charged which causes it to be suspended in water. Have a look at "Ausie Prospector" in YouTube, he has a video on how to collect nano gold in Australia
  19. H

    Gold, Silver, Platinum - Just give me some.

    I my life I have found that anything that is worthwhile does not come Easy, that the easy way is not always the correct way.
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    Other Gold in Australia

    When I go gold Prospecting in my area, I follow natural Flora that indicates that Gold is present in the sand. My favorite plant is the Desert Trumpet flower. I believe that in Australia some eucalyptus plant indicates where the is Gold in the sand. I specialize in Nano Gold.