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Here is the main part of a newsletter I get every day...This is just one persons perceptions about what is happening....and is not financial advice.
As for me I will be investing more on a small scale with physical gold and silver.
We have been seeing on the controlled media and hearing on the radio about just how bad Pres Trumps tariffs will be for our country. These progressives do remind me of those people on the Titanic .... busy rearranging the deck chairs on those decks, as if it'd make a difference. I have been saying for at least a year [probably longer] that the dollar will be devalued .... it has to happen.
Today's Blog will be on one subject .... Pres Trumps effort to correct our Ship of State, rather than what Goober was doing; rearranging our chairs. This is one of the reasons why they are screaming so loudly when DOGE finds all of their corrupt spending. The joke is that those democrats were filling their pockets with dollars that will be devalued.
Yes, this is a little long and about economics but please read it .... it will explain Trumps methods. This should help the Motorcycle Guru feel vindicated, he's been a big supporter of precious minerals for some time and I am a supporter of intelligent use of cryptocurrency. Both an alternative to the dollar ... and yes hoarding dollars will make the coming reset painful:
A gold panic in London has Europe and the world wondering what’s next ....
Since roughly November 2024, some “unknown” buyer in the US has purchased 2,000 metric tons - 64 million ounces. That’s almost 25% of all the massive gold stockpile supposedly held by the US government. Only a few institutions have pockets deep enough to buy 64 million ounces.
But there are a few disquieting things about this buyer.…They don’t care about price… or making a short term profit. They only care about one thing - you might call it gold’s oldest, traditional “use case.”
There are two ways to buy and sell gold. In the futures market, traders paper-trade in and out of gold. In this market, the gold never moves. Traders merely buy and sell paper claims on gold. ....Then there’s the physical market where you can buy, sell - and take delivery of your gold.
Team Trump knows it has to act decisively. The US is inching closer and closer to an economic and monetary Abyss. To avoid the reckoning that’s been coming for over 40 years, radical new ideas are about to go into effect… Gold is coming home to the US because it’s about to reclaim its historical role as an anchor of sanity in the monetary system. ....Team Trump is preparing for a gold audit. By the time you read this it may be underway.
If you look at all US regimes till now - Biden’s especially - they all assumed monetary and trade policy were unsolvable problems. So, they lined up and looted it as much as they could before the system went away.
Team Trump has a real plan to fix the debt… change the nature of the money being spent by the trillion (an unfathomable number)… and bring jobs home. ..... It’s as if the Biden administration saw the abyss on the horizon and stomped on the accelerator – looting and pillaging what they could before the inevitable collapse came.
The Trump plan goes beyond gold to address:
The United States SWF or Sovereign Wealth Fund. This SWF will remonetize not just gold - but every asset tied to the US: land… oil… mineral rights… everything. All this will be added to the US balance sheet in the plus column.
The SWF changes the entire concept of US national wealth protection. The crazy thing about this idea is that Trump got it from the playbook of America’s chief rival. Here’s how it would work. The ANWAR oil field is a section off the coast of Alaska. It has more proven oil reserves than Saudi Arabia. It goes into the SWF - and churns out a royalty. Just think if the US government collected a royalty on that oil forever.
Amongst the countless other idle resources sitting in the US is the Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska. There are 80 billion pounds of copper, 107 million ounces of gold and many other important minerals waiting to be brought into production. ... What if, instead of granting mining licenses, the US simply took a cut of profits on US lands?
So now, let me tell you what the endgame is - and what pain lies ahead if this bold vision is to be realized… It’s nothing other than a total “realignment of global policy”... for the US and the rest of the world. One that has the potential to unleash unimaginable prosperity and riches. ... But not without pain.
We’re always told that having the world’s reserve currency is an exorbitant privilege, but almost nobody understands its dark side. It’s something called Triffin’s Dilemma - after Robert Triffin. As far back as 1959, Triffin said publicly the only way the US could continue to command status from the world’s reserve currency would be to run ever greater trade deficits.
Whatever advantage the US gained from issuing the world’s reserve currency is largely over. Trump knows this better than most politicians:If you can’t make anything to export… Your security and prosperity are an illusion. In "A User's Guide to Restructuring the Global Trading System,” Miran puts his finger on the real flaw that has led the US toward The Abyss.
The goal is to bring jobs and productive capacity back to the US. Trump believes in this future and isn’t afraid to go for it. But this is not just about bringing back jobs and productive capacity, Trump’s plan also gives the US newfound wealth in the realm of raw materials - i.e. the resources required to rebuild US supply chains.
That’s what all the Greenland talk is about. The US is almost 100% dependent on China for critical minerals - many of which are essential to our high-tech military. This US must rebuild supply chains and re-shore/nearshore. If that doesn’t happen, nothing else matters - because the US will be in the Abyss. Here’s the painful part…
In 1985, The world came together to sign The Plaza Accord - to devalue an unnaturally strong US dollar. ....
Read anything from that era and you’ll see the same accusations of unfair competition hurled at Japan as you hear today aimed at China. Under threat of major tariffs, Japan and our other trading partners came to the table and agreed to cooperate in a devaluation of the US dollar. It’s the same dynamic… the same tactic - and it worked.
The US cannot produce stuff by bringing back manufacturing… until the unnaturally strong US dollar is eliminated. Trump knows this. He knows the dollar has to get weaker. But he wants more than just a weak currency. He wants to change the nature of the US economy by copying China. Trump’s real challenge he needs a currency that will reroute supply chains. He knows he cannot have that under the current dollar regime.
But he wants the US to continue to be a dominant player - despite our debt and spending. The essence of the Chinese miracle is not just that China took over the world’s manufacturing jobs in the last 30 years… It’s that China also has a model of state-backed investment. This is partly what the SWF in the US will do. But it’s China’s industrial policy that Trump most wants to emulate. In China, large profitable corporations are required to reinvest in China. They cannot just offshore all their profits and pay little to no taxes like elites and megacorporations do in the US.
Trump’s plan will require the same of US companies. And the Trump plan is already in motion. Apple announced a $500 Billion investment in America in late February ..... It’s not just tech. Two days later Lilly announced a $27B plan to bring pharmaceutical manufacturing back to the US.
Expect to see many announcements like these as companies sign on the the Trump plan. For the first time in decades, companies have an incentive to invest in the productive manufacturing of real stuff again - inside the US. The ultimate success of Trump’s plan hinges on their ability to devalue the US dollar.
The boldness of Trump’s economic plan for the world is two-fold:
At this point, you can count on gold going a lot higher - because the dollar is already heading much, much lower. from
Question Authority ..... in today's world we need to be self-informed and not trust the oblique main stream news media ....
As for me I will be investing more on a small scale with physical gold and silver.
We have been seeing on the controlled media and hearing on the radio about just how bad Pres Trumps tariffs will be for our country. These progressives do remind me of those people on the Titanic .... busy rearranging the deck chairs on those decks, as if it'd make a difference. I have been saying for at least a year [probably longer] that the dollar will be devalued .... it has to happen.
Today's Blog will be on one subject .... Pres Trumps effort to correct our Ship of State, rather than what Goober was doing; rearranging our chairs. This is one of the reasons why they are screaming so loudly when DOGE finds all of their corrupt spending. The joke is that those democrats were filling their pockets with dollars that will be devalued.
Yes, this is a little long and about economics but please read it .... it will explain Trumps methods. This should help the Motorcycle Guru feel vindicated, he's been a big supporter of precious minerals for some time and I am a supporter of intelligent use of cryptocurrency. Both an alternative to the dollar ... and yes hoarding dollars will make the coming reset painful:
Get Ready For Trump’s Monetary Reset
A gold panic in London has Europe and the world wondering what’s next ....
Since roughly November 2024, some “unknown” buyer in the US has purchased 2,000 metric tons - 64 million ounces. That’s almost 25% of all the massive gold stockpile supposedly held by the US government. Only a few institutions have pockets deep enough to buy 64 million ounces.
But there are a few disquieting things about this buyer.…They don’t care about price… or making a short term profit. They only care about one thing - you might call it gold’s oldest, traditional “use case.”
There are two ways to buy and sell gold. In the futures market, traders paper-trade in and out of gold. In this market, the gold never moves. Traders merely buy and sell paper claims on gold. ....Then there’s the physical market where you can buy, sell - and take delivery of your gold.
Team Trump knows it has to act decisively. The US is inching closer and closer to an economic and monetary Abyss. To avoid the reckoning that’s been coming for over 40 years, radical new ideas are about to go into effect… Gold is coming home to the US because it’s about to reclaim its historical role as an anchor of sanity in the monetary system. ....Team Trump is preparing for a gold audit. By the time you read this it may be underway.
If you look at all US regimes till now - Biden’s especially - they all assumed monetary and trade policy were unsolvable problems. So, they lined up and looted it as much as they could before the system went away.
Team Trump has a real plan to fix the debt… change the nature of the money being spent by the trillion (an unfathomable number)… and bring jobs home. ..... It’s as if the Biden administration saw the abyss on the horizon and stomped on the accelerator – looting and pillaging what they could before the inevitable collapse came.
The Trump plan goes beyond gold to address:
- Unsustainable US debt
- The Strategic Wealth of the US
- Lack of good manufacturing jobs in the US
- High trade imbalances and…
- The fatal flaw in the US dollar that keeps it artificially strong and forces the US to keep printing and bailing out Wall Street
The United States SWF or Sovereign Wealth Fund. This SWF will remonetize not just gold - but every asset tied to the US: land… oil… mineral rights… everything. All this will be added to the US balance sheet in the plus column.
The SWF changes the entire concept of US national wealth protection. The crazy thing about this idea is that Trump got it from the playbook of America’s chief rival. Here’s how it would work. The ANWAR oil field is a section off the coast of Alaska. It has more proven oil reserves than Saudi Arabia. It goes into the SWF - and churns out a royalty. Just think if the US government collected a royalty on that oil forever.
Amongst the countless other idle resources sitting in the US is the Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska. There are 80 billion pounds of copper, 107 million ounces of gold and many other important minerals waiting to be brought into production. ... What if, instead of granting mining licenses, the US simply took a cut of profits on US lands?
So now, let me tell you what the endgame is - and what pain lies ahead if this bold vision is to be realized… It’s nothing other than a total “realignment of global policy”... for the US and the rest of the world. One that has the potential to unleash unimaginable prosperity and riches. ... But not without pain.
We’re always told that having the world’s reserve currency is an exorbitant privilege, but almost nobody understands its dark side. It’s something called Triffin’s Dilemma - after Robert Triffin. As far back as 1959, Triffin said publicly the only way the US could continue to command status from the world’s reserve currency would be to run ever greater trade deficits.
Whatever advantage the US gained from issuing the world’s reserve currency is largely over. Trump knows this better than most politicians:If you can’t make anything to export… Your security and prosperity are an illusion. In "A User's Guide to Restructuring the Global Trading System,” Miran puts his finger on the real flaw that has led the US toward The Abyss.
The reason this sucks for Americans is because we cannot make things in the US that are competitive with other countries. A strong dollar makes US exports incredibly - uncompetitively - expensive. This is the real problem Trump is trying to solve.Demand for US dollar-denominated reserve assets
Leads to inevitable trade imbalances and a weak US manufacturing environment.
The goal is to bring jobs and productive capacity back to the US. Trump believes in this future and isn’t afraid to go for it. But this is not just about bringing back jobs and productive capacity, Trump’s plan also gives the US newfound wealth in the realm of raw materials - i.e. the resources required to rebuild US supply chains.
That’s what all the Greenland talk is about. The US is almost 100% dependent on China for critical minerals - many of which are essential to our high-tech military. This US must rebuild supply chains and re-shore/nearshore. If that doesn’t happen, nothing else matters - because the US will be in the Abyss. Here’s the painful part…
- To achieve anything, and especially his end goal, Trump’s plan will devalue the dollar in a very delicate and specific way:
- By making the dollar a lot less attractive to foreigners. Everything depends on that. Trump doesn’t just want a weaker dollar - he wants a dollar that is radically devalued against every other currency on earth.
After this devaluation is complete, I can see gold at $21,000+ per ounce - which would be a dollar devaluation of 90%. - That may sound horrific - but it’s only slightly less than the devaluation of the 1970s, when the dollar lost 75% of its purchasing power.
- Anyone not holding “real stuff” - like gold, silver, natural resources, commodities, etc. - is going to see a dramatic drop in their standard of living.
- Team Trump will deal with US debt the way governments always deal with debt… By inflating it away - and with it, the purchasing power of your US dollar savings. .... Everything depends on threading this needle.
In 1985, The world came together to sign The Plaza Accord - to devalue an unnaturally strong US dollar. ....
Read anything from that era and you’ll see the same accusations of unfair competition hurled at Japan as you hear today aimed at China. Under threat of major tariffs, Japan and our other trading partners came to the table and agreed to cooperate in a devaluation of the US dollar. It’s the same dynamic… the same tactic - and it worked.
The US cannot produce stuff by bringing back manufacturing… until the unnaturally strong US dollar is eliminated. Trump knows this. He knows the dollar has to get weaker. But he wants more than just a weak currency. He wants to change the nature of the US economy by copying China. Trump’s real challenge he needs a currency that will reroute supply chains. He knows he cannot have that under the current dollar regime.
But he wants the US to continue to be a dominant player - despite our debt and spending. The essence of the Chinese miracle is not just that China took over the world’s manufacturing jobs in the last 30 years… It’s that China also has a model of state-backed investment. This is partly what the SWF in the US will do. But it’s China’s industrial policy that Trump most wants to emulate. In China, large profitable corporations are required to reinvest in China. They cannot just offshore all their profits and pay little to no taxes like elites and megacorporations do in the US.
Trump’s plan will require the same of US companies. And the Trump plan is already in motion. Apple announced a $500 Billion investment in America in late February ..... It’s not just tech. Two days later Lilly announced a $27B plan to bring pharmaceutical manufacturing back to the US.
Expect to see many announcements like these as companies sign on the the Trump plan. For the first time in decades, companies have an incentive to invest in the productive manufacturing of real stuff again - inside the US. The ultimate success of Trump’s plan hinges on their ability to devalue the US dollar.
The boldness of Trump’s economic plan for the world is two-fold:
- Team Trump is aligning all US policy around this one goal. That’s military… trade… industrial… and monetary policies are all being adjusted to support his plan.
- To rebuild the US manufacturing base and supply chains, Trump’s plan must devalue the dollar to the point that manufacturing in America is competitive once again.
At this point, you can count on gold going a lot higher - because the dollar is already heading much, much lower. from
Question Authority ..... in today's world we need to be self-informed and not trust the oblique main stream news media ....