Hello from the Rocky mountains

i like rocks
There is a great mineral museum on the campus of the college in Butte Montana USA. They teach mining engineering there.
Been thru Butte on my way to claim's
Can you explain to me what knowledge you lack?
Great at finding, harvesting, processing it down to Dore. Now I need to refine. I've a little chemistry enough to stumble around. So doing homework
That's a nice vain. How come they always have the hangers like above your head.
We capitalize on cool rocks....some are just to unique to be natural or glacial erratic's...
In a way we make money off of minerals when they are modified and steeped in mystery..

These are part of the boulder batholith which has many spots of recoverable precious metals.. So instead of trying to get a mining permit we got a guide permit and charge people to take them up in the hills . www.montanamegaliths.com

As far as "hangers" go there are a few of them in the area.....
@montanabill That is a huge rock, and the Rockies are spectacular. So you mine tourists.

Welcome, @greenrockhound. It's good to see you learning and being safe before going out to prospect. Best wishes on finding the streak you are looking for.
We capitalize on cool rocks....some are just to unique to be natural or glacial erratic's...
In a way we make money off of minerals when they are modified and steeped in mystery..

These are part of the boulder batholith which has many spots of recoverable precious metals.. So instead of trying to get a mining permit we got a guide permit and charge people to take them up in the hills . www.montanamegaliths.com

As far as "hangers" go there are a few of them in the area.....
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Wouldn't like to be there in a quake. I don't like hangers.worked underground and seen that gravity and the slightest movement has its toll. Used to sit down 1200 ft there was a offset and a couple years it fell right where I sat

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