Hey guys, I know it might be a long read but the help is needed,
Me and a few guys have come across a beach that’s full of black sands. So the natural thing to do as a curious prospector is... to pan for gold. And low and behold its quite rich, but here’s the caveat, its the tiniest gold you can ever come across. We're quite the rookies in this field (started about 3 months ago) so we went online in search of equipment that would help us get the gold from the sand or at the very least get concentrates. We saw allot of success with the 'Gold Cube' online with black sands and the many recommendations online that its great at fine gold esp with black beach sand. Allow me to emphasise how tiny this gold is, its so small that when place on a paper, any tiny incorrect handling of the paper will make the gold go poof, its so tiny that you can see many golds floating on the water surface. We also have a blue bowl and its pretty much useless as a decent amount of the gold would get sucked with the black sand even at low speeds (and yes we do add soap to prevent gold from floating). From the videos online that use the 'Gold Cube' esp the 4 stack, the first layer typically captures 80-90%+ of the gold and the second layer would catch the rest and you'd barely be able to find anything on the third layer. In our case however (and there are pictures uploaded for your eyes to witness), all 3 layers catch almost the same amount of gold If I didn’t write on the images which cons came from which layer you'd most likely not be able to tell which cons is from which layer. This made us conclude 2 things. Firstly, that the cube is most definitely losing gold shown by how much is captured by the last layer on the 'Gold Cube' (bad migration). And secondly, is that we need better equipment/plan/advice/help... etc you name it. And hence why we are here. Assuming budget is not an issue, what is the most suitable piece of equipment that is specialized at very very fine gold for beach black sand (and the variation in size from one gold grain to another is almost the same, they're all super tiny!). We are not looking for a multipurpose equipment that can do well on other gold ie. Placer, Alluvial, etc… We want a solution only for this situation as the beach is quite big and most of it contains gold so we believe it would be worth it to invest in a specialized piece of equipment for this situation. The black sand on the beach is perfect when it comes to not needing to classify it (there’s no rocks/pebbles/seashells etc...). Any form of help/advice would be appreciated, and like I said put budget aside as we want to lay down all options without constraints.
Believe it or not these images are from less than half a ton (metric) of black sand.
Me and a few guys have come across a beach that’s full of black sands. So the natural thing to do as a curious prospector is... to pan for gold. And low and behold its quite rich, but here’s the caveat, its the tiniest gold you can ever come across. We're quite the rookies in this field (started about 3 months ago) so we went online in search of equipment that would help us get the gold from the sand or at the very least get concentrates. We saw allot of success with the 'Gold Cube' online with black sands and the many recommendations online that its great at fine gold esp with black beach sand. Allow me to emphasise how tiny this gold is, its so small that when place on a paper, any tiny incorrect handling of the paper will make the gold go poof, its so tiny that you can see many golds floating on the water surface. We also have a blue bowl and its pretty much useless as a decent amount of the gold would get sucked with the black sand even at low speeds (and yes we do add soap to prevent gold from floating). From the videos online that use the 'Gold Cube' esp the 4 stack, the first layer typically captures 80-90%+ of the gold and the second layer would catch the rest and you'd barely be able to find anything on the third layer. In our case however (and there are pictures uploaded for your eyes to witness), all 3 layers catch almost the same amount of gold If I didn’t write on the images which cons came from which layer you'd most likely not be able to tell which cons is from which layer. This made us conclude 2 things. Firstly, that the cube is most definitely losing gold shown by how much is captured by the last layer on the 'Gold Cube' (bad migration). And secondly, is that we need better equipment/plan/advice/help... etc you name it. And hence why we are here. Assuming budget is not an issue, what is the most suitable piece of equipment that is specialized at very very fine gold for beach black sand (and the variation in size from one gold grain to another is almost the same, they're all super tiny!). We are not looking for a multipurpose equipment that can do well on other gold ie. Placer, Alluvial, etc… We want a solution only for this situation as the beach is quite big and most of it contains gold so we believe it would be worth it to invest in a specialized piece of equipment for this situation. The black sand on the beach is perfect when it comes to not needing to classify it (there’s no rocks/pebbles/seashells etc...). Any form of help/advice would be appreciated, and like I said put budget aside as we want to lay down all options without constraints.
Believe it or not these images are from less than half a ton (metric) of black sand.