Raw I Remember When..........


New member
Jan 31, 2025
Way back in the 80's or 90's a mate sold some of his detected gold to a company that advertises on TV. He got $21 a gm. I rang up same company got the same price from Ms Xxxxx, and with wife in tow and our detected gold in her purse ( strap over the shoulder)went into the city to see said company. When we got there asked to see MsXxxxx, what is the reason, Told them and the $21/gm and then was told MsXxxx was not available and they could not do $21 a gm, what about $20 no... $19 No... finally settled on $17 since I did not want to go home without completeing the transaction. Have never darkened their door again.

In Adelaide if you have Oz's its best, to me, to go to Peter Becks....., They smelter and work out the percentage of Gold, Copper, and, and, and pay for the copper ete etc which if you sell enough pays for the smelting cost plus some over. Their price is slightly lower than others say Southern Cro....... who pay more but don't pay for the copper, etc. But they do the transaction while you wait, fire up their small smelter, melt your gold, when cool analyse the gold content and hand over the cash.

You do this in a small cubicle ( at an agreed time) while there last time I looked around the cubicle divider to see the next person hand over their gold, they had melted it down and it looked like a big piece of a sliced cake, they must have found a big patch.

Incidentally that ring (engraved on the inside 19crt) that a Fem stopped my wife in a Paris street a couple of years ago to ask her if she dropped it, after my wife said no that is not hers, the Fem said well she could have it for a cup of coffee since she is unlikey to find the owner. I offered 10 Euros, no, she wanted 20 Euros, so I gave it to her. Anyway Southern.... has a metal analyser and that 19crt ring was Brass....

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